About Us

“I am new as a lead in political action and still learning how to be “political” as a community health nurse. I am amazed at the tremendous credibility community health nurses have with politicians, other professions and citizen groups.”

– Practicing CHN

Mission, Vision & Values

Community Health Nurses’ Initiatives Group of Ontario

The Community Health Nurses’ Initiatives Group (CHNIG), an interest group of the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, has as its mission to act as the voice of Community Health Nurses influencing the health care system, and health and social policy in areas which affect the work of Community Health Nurses and the public they work with.

Our Goals include:


  • To influence health and social policy
  • To build capacity and leadership in Community Health Nurses
  • To strengthen the profile of CHNs and articulate the significance of their practice
  • To promote, engage and maximize membership of CHNIG
  • To maximize nursing student involvement in community health nursing and CHNIG

Our Goals include:


  • To influence health and social policy
  • To build capacity and leadership in Community Health Nurses
  • To strengthen the profile of CHNs and articulate the significance of their practice
  • To promote, engage and maximize membership of CHNIG
  • To maximize nursing student involvement in community health nursing and CHNIG