19 Mar Call for Nominations – 3 CHNIG Board of Director Positions Available

CHNIG logoThe Community Health Nurses’ Initiatives Group (CHNIG) Nominating Committee is seeking applications for experienced, committed, skilled individuals to join the CHNIG Board of Directors for the 2018-2020 term.  We are seeking nominees who are passionate about community health nursing and will lead CHNIG into the future.

The Call for Nominations is for the following Director positions to hold two-year terms of office beginning at the time of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held in conjunction with the RNAO AGM on April 21st, 2018:

  • Policy and Political Action
  • OPHA Liaison
  • Governance


To apply, complete the Application Form and email it to the CHNIG Nominations Committee at PresidentElect@chnig.org no later than the close for Call of Nominations at the CHNIG AGM on April 21st, 2018.  If you haven’t registered for our AGM this year, go to rnao.ca now and secure your spot!

Nomination Requirements:

Nominations for the Director position must be in writing and signed by the Nominee indicating consent to be a candidate and must include 2 Nominators who are CHNIG members in good standing.

The nomination form must be accompanied by a brief description of the candidate’s skills, outlining their appropriateness for the position including knowledge and experience (maximum 1 page) and signatures of the Nominee and Nominators.  The brief description of the candidate’s skills and experience may be published in communications to members.