25 Nov CHNC Call for Abstracts – due January 12th, 2018

The call for abstracts for presentations at the 2018 National Community Health Nursing Conference in Regina, SK from June 26 – 28 is out!  The conference is a great opportunity to showcase innovative strategies from all domains of practice, highlight successes and challenges experienced and to network with your CHNC colleagues.

Click here to create a profile and submit an abstract.

The deadline to submit is January 12, 2018.  

Abstracts will be accepted in English or French for a variety of traditional and new formats.  Have a new way to deliver your information?  Share your idea, we have a new open session format that allows for your great ideas to flourish!  View the poster for more information.

chnc logo

Visit the CHNC website to see the full description and application process.